速報APP / 社交 / Petbook - the social network for pets

Petbook - the social network for pets





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:Rua Lourdes Vidal Alves

Petbook - the social network for pets(圖1)-速報App

The Petbook - The social and image network for pets

Take care of your pet's life and record the key moments

Record the main moments of your pet's life and share with friends the beautiful moments.

With the Petbook you can generate publications with pictures and texts about pets, share news and more.

Petbook - the social network for pets(圖2)-速報App

Petbook Features

- Posting of images, news and texts.

- Register pictures of your pet friend.

- Chatting with other pet owners.

Petbook - the social network for pets(圖3)-速報App

- Track the pet world news.

- Search nearby petshops and vets.

- Social media news

- Pet stores near me

Petbook - the social network for pets(圖4)-速報App

- Dog breeds

- Catbreeds

- Petsmart

A ideal social network for all pets: dogs, cats, birds and others puppies.

Petbook - the social network for pets(圖5)-速報App

Your pet deserves a social network for it. Like a petsmart.

In the profile section you can save various information, including all dog breeds and all breeds of cats to choose from.

With "pet stores near me" functionality, The Petbook also allows finding pet stores, pet shop, pet supermarket and pet meds near to you .

Petbook - the social network for pets(圖6)-速報App